How to Write Your Own Hypnosis Script

Let us get the ‘look into my eyes’ nonsense out of the way because it is amazing how many misconceptions about hypnosis there are and how many people still think that hypnosis is achieved one of two ways: staring into the hypnotist’s eyes or staring at a swinging fob watch. That is true only in the movies, I’m afraid!

There is no such thing as a magic set of words which will automatically induce a trance.

Finally, there is no such thing as an instant trance whereby you utter a keyword or click your fingers and hey presto - your subject is in a trance.

True, there are subjects who can be hypnotised very quickly - they’re the ones that are extremely suggestible, as well as expecting to go to into a trance.

Unfortunately, not everyone you come across will be like that. That means that there has to be a form of words which will help you to hypnotise the subject - or as I prefer to think of it, words to create an atmosphere where an induction can take place.

If you remember that phrase, it will make the job much easier for you.

Know Your Subject.

The first thing you need to do before you even begin to contemplate writing a script is to get to know your subject.

You need to find out about the subject’s attitudes, emotions, interests and in fact anything which may help you to decide on the form of words that you are going to use when attempting to put him or her to trance.

What is a Hypnosis Script.

I would also like to mention some common misunderstanding about the word ‘script’.

I have always considered a script to be a guide and also believe firmly in the fact that what you say is nowhere near as important as how you say it.

For instance, if you eventually decided on a form of words for a particular subject, and sat there reading the words in a monotone at a reasonably brisk pace, for 99.9% of subjects the chances of you ever hypnotising them is more or less zero.

That is why we at Natural Hypnosis have developed scripts that will work for most people - and at a very affordable price. Check out our hypnosis sessions here and choose the ones that will help you move forward the most.

Learn the Script - Don't Read It!

I mentioned that the script is a guide, but nevertheless, when you put the script together it is a good idea to learn it and you should certainly not be reading it.

Why should you not read a script?

When you go to the theatre or go and see a movie, you should remember that what you see before you started as a script.

The actors will have read the script and then learned it. It is only when they have learned the words that they are able to put emotion and proper meaning into them.

The next time you go to the cinema or to the movies and are moved emotionally by the words you hear on the stage or the screen, remember that they are the result of learning, repetition and interpretation rather than someone just having learned the words.

You and your subject also need to communicate on an emotional level, so apart from the words, you need to know about:

  • The use of your voice, that is to say the tone, the modulation, the pace.
  • How to remove all verbal and physical mannerisms, so that your subject is not distracted and can concentrate on your voice.
  • What you are attempting to accomplish through the words that you use is to figuratively take your subject by the hand andtake him or her on a journey of your choosing.

Make no mistake, the initial decisions are all yours. And once they have begun their journey into trance, you are able to ‘back off’ a little bit and let them continue on their own with the occasional prod from you.

How to Make a Hypnosis Script.

Let’s have a look at the content of your script and how you go about putting it together.

Firstly, you talk to the subject as if gently interviewing them.

This should be absolutely no problem because most people’s favourite subject is themselves.

  • What books do they read?
  • What music do they listen to?
  • Where do they go on holiday?
  • What is the family like?
  • Where do they live?
  • What are their likes and dislikes?
  • Etc etc.

Questions are the key.

Your script is no more than a series of suggestions of indeterminate length because whereas one subject will go into trance within seconds, another may take you half an hour. It’s a function of both your skill and their suggestibility.

The best scripts are the ones which take the subject on a slow journey which usually involves walking through a place you and they both know from your interview(s) with them.

Subsequent sessions will be easier if you use exactly the same script because by then your subject will be travelling to a familiar place and if they remember the previous trance as a pleasurable experience, the effect will be much quicker because they will probably be looking forward to it. Even before the session begins.

2. Ask More Questions.

Once you start them on their journey, your job is to enhance their senses by asking them more questions. This time the questions are going to be about their in-trance experience and about where they are. You should be asking them:

  • What they see;
  • what they smell;
  • what they hear...

3. Rinse and Repeat.

The final thing I’ll add is that if your script does not appear to work – discard it and start again. But remember the most common issues (by far) are not with the words but the delivery.

Work on your voice - very often, the words take care of themselves. Give our our hypnotist's Brennan Smith a chance and learn about great use of the voice - listen to his free mp3 hypnosis recording here.