Hypnosis and Sleep: a Match Made in Heaven?

Among the list of ways that hypnosis helps people improve the quality of their lives, I believe sleep is number one.

People often use hypnosis to improve their careers, their health, their relationships, and their habits or emotions – and hypnosis helps with all these things -- and so does sleep.

Think about a day right after you’ve gotten a horrible night of sleep: you’ll probably come up with some mix of possible frustrations -- short-temperedness, stress, eating extra sugar and drinking caffeine, and lack of mental focus -- an uphill battle the whole way.

Let those images go, and focus on a day that begins with waking up refreshed, cleansed, and alive.

  • You’re on top of your game.
  • You’re able to give the people you love and the people you work with the space to handle their own stuff, and giving them the benefit of the doubt if they screw up.
  • You’re naturally drawn to healthier foods.
  • Your immune system is more effective.
  • Your energy levels are up.
  • Life is good.

When our clients choose hypnosis to help them sleep, we can reliably deliver benefits to all areas of their lives just by helping them drift effortless into sleep, and soundly and comfortably through the night (NOTE: on this site, our program called Sleep is all about drifting easily into sleep; the program called Insomnia helps you stay asleep through the night).

I’ve had a total of maybe 15 nights in my life when I couldn’t seem to fall asleep, and those were enough. It is alarming to me how frustrating and uncomfortable that experience is. I cannot imagine the what an on-going level of struggle with that must be like -- especially the cumulative effects on the mind!

Here’s how hypnosis helps you sleep.

Hypnosis generates the identical wavelength pattern in your brain as the people who drift into sleep naturally.

It turns out that, when the brain is triggered to sleep (which for most people only requires going horizontal and putting their head on a pillow), it moves through various stages of activity that transition you from waking to sleep.

You’ve felt these various stages of activity -- especially the first one.

Stage One.

Stage one is processing, and unfortunately lots of insomniacs get stuck in this stage and the hamster just simply won’t get off the damn wheel.

Stage Two.

This is when your mind transitions to thoughts that are related to reality, but that have an aspect of fantasy to them. Maybe you imagine a conversation or meeting you’re going to have in the next few days, or you start to think about something you’d like to experience in the future. Because the future has no documented reality to it, this is often a place the brain takes us to achieve this kind of thinking.

Stage Three.

Stage three is when the fantasy aspects of whatever we’re thinking about really take over. If we were in a meeting in Stage Two, that meeting is suddenly taking place with the President or the Prime Minister, and we’re walking in a garden with them and they’re saying how they’d like to eat sushi for dinner. As you can imagine, there are a lot of similarities between this stage and the dream stage.

Stage Four

This stage starts when we drift deeper, beyond the range of thought or images, and we’re asleep.

Hypnosis mirrors those stages exactly. By using hypnosis repeatedly, and associating these stages of brain activity generated in hypnosis to your normal sleeping environment, we re-connect the natural pattern of sleep you were born with, and then you’re free to sleep any time you lay down.

This process of re-conditioning takes most people between three and five weeks of consistent listening (once per day max, every other day is sufficient).

We have designed our audio program to handle this long-term re-conditioning, as well as serving as a sleep aid in the short-term so that you can get some beautiful, restful sleep.

Get hypnosis for sleep here, or if you're an insomniac, you might benefit from this album a bit more.

Let us know if you have any other questions about hypnosis and sleep. We’re here to help.